Management Buy In (MBI)
Together with our corporate finance partners, we can support, help and advise you through all stages of the Management Buy-In (MBI) process.
What is an MBI?
MBI is the process of acquiring a significant equity holding in a company in which you are not already an employee.
Who is suited to an MBI?
In our experience, the best candidates for an MBI are those who have held senior-level positions within similar organisations and who are able to demonstrate significant sector and leadership experience.
How does the process work?
We have partnered with one of the UK´s leading firms of accountants and business advisors with more than 1800 partners and staff operating from 23 offices around the UK.
Like CIG-London Ltd, which is a member of the Cornerstone International Network, our partner is also part of an international network with 400 offices in 119 countries.
The specialist business advisors that we have access to as a result of this partnership have extensive lead advisory experience in valuations, disposals, fund raising, IBOs, MBOs and MBIs.
Through this partnership, we can support you both proactively and reactively through the MBI process in the following ways:
Proactive support
We can work on your behalf to identify a specific opportunity and support you through the key stages of the MBI process:
Establish acquisition criteria
At this point you would work with a senior CIG-London Ltd career coach to assess your capability and suitability to lead an MBI
- Acquisition search
- Negotiations with vendor
- Fundraising
- Legal completion
Our corporate finance partner would work on your behalf throughout the process to make sure you select the best target and that you purchase it at the best price with the most appropriate funding structure in place.
Proactive support fee
For this comprehensive service there is an initial fee to support the acquisition search. This fee is dependent upon the anticipated complexity of the search.
There is also a subsequent fee which is contingent upon successful completion of a transaction and the total deal consideration and which is payable out of funds raised.
Reactive support
Alternatively, we may be able, from time to time, to introduce you to more general opportunities which our partners have already identified.
Reactive support fee
For this service, fees are payable at Heads of Agreement and again upon successful completion of a transaction.
How do I register my interest in the service?
If you would like to be added to our MBI candidate database, please complete our MBI Registration Form and attach your CV. When you complete the form, you will be able to select whether you are interested in proactive support, reactive support, or both.
Please note that we will never pass your details to a client without your prior consent.
All Candidate registrations please register your CV.